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Ηγεμόνες Λωρραίνης

Rulers of Lorraine

Ακολουθούν οι ηγεμόνες της Λωρραίνης κατά δυναστείες.

The rulers of Lorraine have held different posts under different governments over different regions. The first rulers of the region were kings of the Franks whose kingdom was called Lotharingia. The Latin construction "Lotharingia" evolved over time into "Lorraine" in French and "Lothringen" in German. After the Carolingian kingdom was absorbed into its neighbouring realms in the late ninth century, dukes were appointed over the territory. In the mid-tenth century, the duchy was divided into Lower Lorraine and Upper Lorraine, the latter which became known as the Duchy of Lorraine and existed well into the modern era.

Kings of Lotharingia[]

Charles the Bald claimed Lotharingia on Lothair's death and was crowned king in Metz, but his brother Λουδοβίκος Β' (Louis the German) opposed his claim and in (870) the Treaty of Mersen divided Lotharingia between the two brothers and subsequently their sons.

In 880, the Treaty of Ribemont gave the whole of Lotharingia to Louis the Younger, son of Louis the German.

In 922, Lotharingia was subsumed into the Kingdom of Germany.

Dukes of Lorraine[]

  • Gebhard (903910)
  • Reginar (910915)
  • Gilbert (925939)
  • Henry (939940)
  • Otto (942944)
  • Conrad (944953)
  • Bruno (953965)

In 959, Lorraine was divided into two provinces: Upper and Lower, each being given to a margrave or vice-duke under Bruno. Upon Bruno's death in 965, that of Lower Lorraine, whose margrave had died, was left vacant until 977. In that year Charles was appointed duke of Lower Lorraine and Frederick I was elevated duke in Upper Lorraine. The two duchies remained separate, following separate pathways, except for the brief period between 1033 and 1044.

Dukes of Lower Lorraine[]

Note that the numbering of the dukes varies between sources.
  • Godfrey I (959964)
  • Richar (968972)


  • Charles (976991)
  • Otto (9911012)

House of Ardennes–Verdun-Ename[]

  • Godfrey II (10121023) (also known as Godfrey I)
  • Gothelo I (10231044) (also duke of Uppoer Lorraine)
  • Gothelo II (10441046)

House of Luxembourg[]

  • Frederick (10461065)

House of Ardennes–Verdun[]

  • Godfrey III the Bearded (10651069) (also known as Godfrey II, also duke of Upper Lorraine)
  • Godfrey IV (10691076) (also known as Godfrey III)


  • Conrad (10761087)

House of Ardennes–Bouillon[]

  • Godfrey V (10871100) (also known as Godfrey IV)

House of LimburgΑρχείο:Armoiries Limbourg.png[]

  • Henry (11011106), also duke of Limburg

House of Leuven Αρχείο:Armoiries Autriche.png[]

  • Godfrey VI (11061129) (also known as Godfrey V)

Οίκος of Limburg[]

  • Waleran (11291139)

Οίκος of Leuven[]

  • Godfrey VII (11391142) (also known as Godfrey VI)
  • Godfrey VIII (11421190) (also known as Godfrey VII)
Passes to duke of Brabant.

Dukes of Upper Lorraine[]

Οίκος of Ardennes-Bar[]

  • Frederick I (959978)
  • Thierry I (978–1026/1027)
  • Frederick II (1026/1027)
  • Frederick III (1026/1027–1033)

Οίκος of Ardennes-Verdun[]

  • Gothelo (r. 1033–1044) (also duke of Lower Lorraine).
  • Godfrey, the Bearded (r. 1044–1046) (also duke of Lower Lorraine)

Οίκος of Metz[]

  • Adalbert (r. 1047–1048)
  • Gerhard (r. 1048–1070)
  • Thierry II (r. 1070–1115)
  • Simon I (r. 1115–1138)
  • Matthias I (r. 1138–1176)
  • Simon II (r. 1176–1205)
  • Frederick I (r. 1205–1206)
  • Frederick II (r. 1206–1213)
  • Theobald I (r. 1213–1220)
  • Matthias II (r. 1220–1251)
  • Frederick III (r. 1251–1302)
  • Theobald II (r. 1302–1312)
  • Frederick IV (r. 1302–1329)
  • Rudolph (r. 1329–1346)
  • John I (r. 1346–1390)
  • Charles II (r. 1390–1431)
  • Isabella (r. 1431–1453)
    • with her husband René, Duke of Anjou and King of Naples

Οίκος of Valois-Anjou[]

  • John II of Anjou (r. 1453–1470), also King of Naples
  • Nicholas I of Anjou (r. 1470–1473)

Οίκος of Vaudemont[]

Junior branch of the previous rulers of Ardennes–Metz

  • René II (r. 1473–1508), also Duke of Bar
  • Antoine, the Good (r. 1508–1544)
  • Francis I (r. 1544–1545)
  • Charles III (r. 1545–1608)
  • Henry I, the Good (r. 1608–1624)
  • Francis II (r. 1624)
  • Charles IV (r. 1624–1634)
  • Nicholas II (r. 1634–1661)
  • Charles IV (r. 1661–1675)
From 1669 to 1697, Lorraine is occupied by France.
  • Charles V 1675–1690
  • Leopold Joseph (r. 16901729)
From 1702 to 1714, under French occupation.
  • Francis III Stephen (r. 1729–1737) in 1745 he became Holy Roman Emperor

Οίκος of Leszczyński[]

  • Stanislaus Leszczyński (r. 1737–1766) former king of Poland
    • after him, the Duchy is inherited by his son in law, king Louis XV of France and incorporated in his dominions

Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



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