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Μάχαι 1ου Αιώνα π.Χ.



Μάχες Γης
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Αρχαία Εποχή
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Ακολουθεί σύνοψη Χιλιετίας.

Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.[]

Ακολουθεί κατάλογος πολέμων.


Year Battle Summary
89 BC Μάχη της Λίμνης Φουκίνης Battle of Fucine Lake Roman forces under Lucius Porcius Cato are defeated by the Italian rebels in the Social War
89 BC 2η Μάχη του Ασκύλου (Battle of Asculum The Roman army of C. Pompeius Strabo decisively defeats the rebels in the Social War.
88 BC Μάχη του Αμνία Ποταμού (Battle of the River Amnias Mithridatic forces defeat Nicomedes IV of Bithynia.
88 BC Μάχη του Όρους Σκορόβα (Battle of Mount Scorobas Mithridatic forces under Archelaus defeat the Romans under Manius Aquilius.
86 BC Battle of Tenedos Naval victory for Lucius Licinius Lucullus during the First Mithridatic War.
86 BC 2η Μάχη Χαιρώνειας (Battle of Chaeronea The Roman forces of Lucius Cornelius Sulla defeat the Pontic forces of Archelaus in the First Mithridatic War
85 BC Μάχη Ορχομενού (Battle of Orchomenus Sulla again defeats Archelaus in the decisive battle of the First Mithridatic War.
83 BC Battle of Mount Tifata Sulla defeats the popular forces of Caius Norbanus in the First Roman Civil War.
82 BC Battle of the Colline Gate (November) Sulla defeats Samnites allied to the popular party in Rome in the decisive battle of the Civil War.
80 BC Μάχη Βαίτιος Ποταμού (Battle of the Baetis River) Rebel forces under Quintus Sertorius defeat the legal Roman forces of Lucius Fulfidias in Spain.|
74 BC Battle of Cyzicus Roman forces under Lucius Lucullus defeat the forces of Mithridates VI of Pontus
72 BC Battle of Cabira Lucullus again defeats Mithridates, overrunning Pontus
69 BC Μάχη Τιγρανοκεράτων (Battle of Tigranocerta) Lucullus defeats the army of Tigranes II of Armenia, who was harboring his father-in-law Mithridates VI of Pontus
Μάχη των Αρτατάξων (|Battle of Artaxata Lucullus again defeats Tigranes.
67 BC Battle of Korakesion Naval battle between pirates and Pompey's Fleet, ending in a decisive victory against piracy in the Mediterranean.
67 BC Battle of Jushi Han troops defeat the Xiongnu, seizing the city of Jiaohe.
66 BC Battle of the Lycus Pompey the Great decisively defeats Mithridates VI, effectively ending the Third Mithridatic War
62 BC Μάχη της Πισορίας (Battle of Pistoria]] (January) The forces of the conspirator Catiline are defeated by the loyal Roman armies under Gaius Antonius.
58 BC Μάχη του Άραρος Ποταμού (Battle of the Arar]] (Saône) (June) Caesar defeats the migrating Helvetii
58 BC Μάχη των Βιβράκτων (Battle of Bibracte]] (July) Caesar again defeats the Helvetii, this time decisively.
58 BC Μάχη των Βοσγίων Ορέων ( Battle of Vosges (58 BC)]] September Caesar decisively defeats the forces of the Germanic chieftain Ariovistus near modern Belfort
57 BC Μάχη της Αξόνας (Battle of the Axona]] (Aisne) Caesar defeats the forces of the Belgae under King Galba of Suessiones.
57 BC Battle of the Sabis (Sambre) Caesar defeats the Nervii.
53 BC Μάχη των Καρρών (Battle of Carrhae]] The Roman Triumvir Crassus is defeated and killed by the Parthians
52 BC Battle of Bovillae The gangs of Clodius and Milo clash surprisingly, leading to the death of Clodius.
52 BC Μάχη Γεργοβίας (Battle of Gergovia) Caesar is defeated by the Gallic leader Vercingetorix
52 BC Μάχη Αλησίας (Battle of Alesia) Caesar defeats Vercingetorix, completing the Roman conquest of Transalpine Gaul.
49 BC Siege of Massilia Caesar besieges and captures Massilia, resulting in the absorption of the city into the Republic.
49 BC Battle of Ilerda Caesar defeats the Spanish army of Pompey.
49 BC Battle of Utica (49 BC) C. Scribonius Curio defeats the Numidians in North Africa, cutting off supplies to Attius Varus.
49 BC Μάχη του Βαγράδα Ποταμού (Battle of the Bagradas River (49 BC)|Battle of the Bagradas River]] 24 August Caesar's general Gaius Curio is defeated in North Africa by the Pompeians under Attius Varus and King Juba I of Numidia. Curio commits suicide.
48 BC Μάχη του Δυρραχίου (Battle of Dyrrhachium (48 BC)]] 10 July Caesar barely avoids a catastrophic defeat to Pompey in Macedonia.
48 BC Μάχη της Φαρσάλου (Battle of Pharsalus]] Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey, who flees to Egypt
48 BC Μάχη της Νικοπόλεως ( Battle of Nicopolis (48 BC)]] Pharnaces II of Pontus defeats a Roman army under Calvinus decisively.
47 BC Μάχη του Νείλου Ποταμού ( Battle of the Nile (47 BC)|Battle of the Nile]] In February, Caesar defeats the forces of the Egyptian king Ptolemy XIII
47 BC Siege of Alexandria (47 BC) Ptolemy XIII lays an unsuccessful siege on Alexandria to defeat Caesar and Cleopatra VII.
47 BC May Μάχη των Ζήλων (Battle of Zela]] Caesar defeats Pharnaces II of Pontus. This is the battle where he famously said Veni, vidi, vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered.)
46 BC Battle of Ruspina 4 January - Caesar loses perhaps as much as a third of his army to Titus Labienus.
46 BC Battle of Thapsus 6 February Caesar defeats the Pompeian army of Metellus Scipio in North Africa.
45 BC Battle of Munda 17 March In his last victory, Caesar defeats the Pompeian forces of Titus Labienus and Gnaeus Pompey the Younger in Spain. Labienus is killed in the battle and the Younger Pompey captured and executed.
43 BC Battle of Forum Gallorum 14 April - Antony, besieging Caesar's assassin Decimus Brutus in Mutina, defeats the forces of the consul Pansa, who is killed, but is then immediately defeated by the army of the other consul, Hirtius
43 BC Battle of Mutina 21 April - Antony is again defeated in battle by Hirtius, who is killed. Although Antony fails to capture Mutina, Decimus Brutus is murdered shortly thereafter.
42 BC First Battle of Philippi 3 October - The Triumvirs Mark Antony and Octavian fight an indecisive battle with Caesar's assassins Marcus Brutus and Cassius. Although Brutus defeats Octavian, Antony defeats Cassius, who commits suicide.
42 BC Second Battle of Philippi 23 October Brutus's army is decisively defeated by Antony and Octavian. Brutus escapes, but commits suicide soon after.
40 BC Battle of Perugia Mark Antony's brother Lucius Antonius and his wife Fulvia are defeated by Octavian. Fulvian is exiled.
36 BC Battle of Naulochus Octavian's fleet, under the command of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa defeats the forces of Sextus Pompey.
36 BC Battle of Zhizhi Han forces defeat the Xiongnu and kill their chieftain Zhizhi.
31 BC Ναυμαχία Ακτίου ή Μάχη Ακτίου 2 September - Octavian decisively defeats Antony and Cleopatra in a naval battle near Greece
30 BC Battle of Alexandria 31 July - Mark Antony achieves a minor victory over Octavian's forces, but most of his army subsequently deserts, leading to his suicide.
11 BC Battle of the Lupia River Roman forces under Augustus's stepson Drusus win a victory in Germany.


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



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