Science Wiki

Θέλει δουλειά ακόμα.

--IonnKorr 18:04, 23 Μαΐου 2007 (UTC)

Various etymologies have been suggested for the name. I suppose that:

A. The first part of the word, the root "Uk-", is derivated by name "S-ak-a" (i.e. Sacae, Sacians, or else Scythians).

The same root occurs in words:

  • "Oxus" ( i.e. Oks-us)( = Amu Darya, ancient river, in Central Asia) (which is mentioned as Aces by ancient historian writer Herodotus).
  • "Iaxartes" (i.e. Oks-arta) ( = Syr Darya, ancient river, in Central Asia)
  • "Euxinus Pontus" (i.e. Oks-inus pontus) ( = the modern Black Sea) etc.

B. The second part of the word, "-raine", perhaps, is derived by latin word "regnum" (= kingdom, in English)).
